Daddy, Why Do You Have So Many CDs?

Daddy why do you have so many CDs? This was the question my five-year-old daughter asked yesterday. I was dumfounded. As my wife and I moved thousands of dollars worth of product from our basement to a rental storage unit, God uses a child to deal with the heart of the matter – the tough question. “Daddy, why do you have so many CDs”, she asked again later that evening during dinner. This time I couldn’t dodge the question. My wife looking straight at me into eyes waiting for a response, all I could say to my baby girl was, “Daddy has a lot because he ask not”.  

 I went to bed last night with my daughter’s words on my mind. At 3:30 am, the Lord woke me out of my sleep to spend some quality time with Him in prayer. I’m not sure where in His word He will lead me. Nevertheless, this I know for sure – He wants to walk by faith and not be sight. For that reason, I will. If you would like to find out more about the CD’s my daughter was talking about, please click the link, ”God’s Story: It’s All Good in the Hood” and support our ministry.


Thanks, again.

 Peace and Grace

Was God’s First Day of Work “All Good”?

In the beginning, depending on the person you ask on any given day, one might say God’s first day of work was “All Good” and another person might say, it was the “Big Bang” that set it off and God had nothing to do with creation. What’s your take on this? Is it really “All Good”? 

 When I think about what God’s word describes in Genesis 1:1-5, a rhyme comes to mind. It goes something like this…

First day of work,

In the beginning of His work,

God created the heaven and the earth.        

The earth had no form.

Empty, covered with darkness and water was the norm.

God’s Spirit hovered over the water.

“Let there be light”, and this was because God gave this order.

God saw light in the hood.

And it was good.

Then He divided the light from the dark.

Its evening from its morning, and it was the first day to start.

The light He Called “Day”.

And the darkness, He called “Night”.

What’s your take of God’s first day of work?

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Click here to see it live.

If you like it, don’t forget to “Like It” and “Share It” with a friend.

Is God Good?

What are people saying about God?  I ask this question because one of the most common call and response phrases in Christian circle goes like this:  “Is God Good? … All the Time …And All the Time … God is Good”.  Even Don Moen’s

YouTube video starts with this introduction. What your take on it? Is God good?   

 When I think about it,  in my mind, I hear a rhyme?  It goes something like this …

God: He’s The Creator of life.

He‘s the Giver of life.

He speaks. He cares. Believe that.

His message is for all the people to receive that.

And come to know Him like that.

 Thirty-five hundred years ago

God instructed man to go write down His flow.

God continued to speak,

For the next fifteen hundred years, at least,

To 40 different men they recorded it complete.

 Long ago, God’s words were recorded on scrolls.

“Law” and the “Prophets”,early writings of old,

Became the present day,

“Scriptures” we now behold.  

 Now, all together bound,

These writings can be found. 

They’re in the B-I-B-L-E now. 

Holy Words God speaks. He loves all peeps.

This is ‘God’s Story’ translated for the streets.

What’s your take on this?

 If you like it, don’t forget “Like It” and “Share It” with a friend.

Click the link to see Modavador share Word UP it live


If you like it, don’t forget to “Like It” and “Share It” with a friend.

A New Day with My Baby

Can positive self-talk inspire and motivate a child? It depends. Why does a father hold his baby daughter in his arms looking into her eyes watching her reflection in the mirror as he affirms to her the light and the newness of another day that God has given? Have times changed that much in the last few years? Has rhyme lost its relevance? What’s the motivation as we approach the year 2013 and beyond? Has our reason for being changed?

It’s amazing as we look back to 2009, if you performed a Google search on the term “What is motivation”, more than 2.3 million results would appear. However, today as we approach 2013 the same Google search would yield over 237 million results.  In four short years, a lot has changed, but as we will discover, a lot has remained the same.

Hello, my name is George Salter, aka  “Modavador g” on the m-i-c for my Lord and Savior G-O-D. Five years ago, God blessed my wife and me with the birth of our third daughter, Daisha Christiana Salter.  With the arrival of each new day, for me it’s a holiday because I am reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

In September of 1996, I read a devotional from Our Daily Bread in which I rewrote into a rhyme in entitled, A New Day with My Baby. The reason for the rhyme was to thank God from the heart with expressions of positive self-talk, spiritual affirmations, and biblical words of encouragement. Grateful for the light that comes with a new day, the newness of life, and being born again through the birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It took more than fifty years for me to fully embrace the gravity of God’s call on my life. And now that I a state of transition,  pursuing my MBA at Benedictine University being equipped to connect and engage the present day culture, by God’s grace I still embracing the newness of each day. And I thank you for joining me in this journey as “We Rhyme 2 Reason” by blogging and storytelling the big picture with Scripture.

Question? Have you ever considered motivate your child and a young kid with positive self-talk and spiritual affirmations? Click the link and check  my baby girl and YouTube.  Let me know what you think.
